

The association CHORUS MM has been founded in the year 1998, with the goal to develop and encourage cultural exchange between people and nations from all over the world. In 1999 the first CANTUS MM Festival took place in Salzburg. What started with three participating groups, extended in quality and quantity throughout the years.

Basic goals of CHORUS MM are to provide sound musical knowledge, develop musical abilities, promote musical talents and improve musical practices as well as to call the attention of the public to valuable new aspects of choir singing.

The society's object is to reveal the beauty of music to the youth, to awaken a sense of community and to bring about a meeting of the generations in song and dialogue.

Music Festival

Day 1

Arrival Day

Late afternoon - information meeting for the conductors and directors together with the festival's artistic director.
Evening - official opening of the CANTUS MM Festival.
Cultural exchange of all participating groups and musicians; enjoy a snack-buffet.

Day 2


Possibility for guided city tours and excursions.


Rehearsal for this evening's CANTUS MM Gala Concert at the Festival Hall.


CANTUS MM Gala Concert in Salzburg. Depending on the number of participating groups each formation has the possibility of playing or performing a 15 min. repertory.

Day 3


Ecumenical Celebration in Salzburg Cathedral.


Individual concerts of the participating groups at Mirabell Gardens Salzburg.


Big "Finale" farewell party with gala-buffet. The members of the society CHORUS MM take care of the musical entertainment. All participating groups are invited to join in. We prepare small souvenir gifts for each participant.

Day 4

"Servus" Salzburg

Time to say good-bye, or to leave for a post tour to another Austrian city or another European country. Our partner CCA Concert Tours, Claudia Arh, will be happy to assist you.
